Monday, October 22, 2012—Be Heard. Be Happy.—Be Heard. Be Happy.

'Tis The Season for Canning

Good Monday Morning,

Now is the time of season, when you try to extend the life of your vegetable garden.  Freezing and canning are one of my favorite things to do with the fresh produce from the garden. You are also preserving fresh vegetables, and not worrying about pesticides you may find on store bought produce.  Very eco-friendly way of eating.

I love to can salsa.  I make both the boiling salsa method as well as the chopped and jarred.  The later only lasts around a week or so.  Make sure you have plenty of tomatoes.  I used to grow jalapenos, habaneros and banana peppers and don't forget the chopped onions.  Delicious!

Canning sweet corn is another favorite of mine.  My boys' great grandmother used to freeze the best sweet corn ever.  She would blanch the sweet corn, cut from cob and add sugar and salt before placing it in quart size ziplock bags.  This was excellent in a crockpot for holiday get togethers.

I once tried to freeze habanero and jalapeno peppers so I could use them at a later time, but they turned out pretty mushy.  I will need to find a better way to freeze these.  I know you can pickle them, but then you loose the natural flavor of the peppers.

Head on over to here, the Kelly Bluebook of Canning.  I think I will check out this book, with as much canning as I do.

Lastly, I have been invited to a Pompeian Twitter party on Smiley360. It is my first party invite. My problem is, I do not know how to Tweet.  I think I will need to research this and sign up for a Twitter account.  Olive oil is so much better for your health than some vegetable oils.  I am pretty excited.  You can join too,
Join me for the Smiley360 #PompeianParty on Twitter on Wed 10/24 at 9pm ET! Hang out & win prizes!

Another cloudy, gloomy day in Nebraska, it will be a great day for canning.

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Earn Money at Home & Online

So, looking at my older posts, it has been quite some time since my last post.
I had a wonderful summer, working on a produce farm.  We sell to market vendors, who would come every morning at 6am and buy produce that they would in turn sell at their corner stands.  I also was in charge of our HyVee grocery store accounts, by gathering their orders every morning and organizing and completing paperwork for our guys to load trucks for the next day's deliveries.  I loved that job. But it is seasonal and as of Oct 8th, I have been laid off, and looking for work again.

Evriholder 3-Pc. Produce Saver Set (Google Affiliate Ad)

Meanwhile, I have been scouring the internet, to find easy ways to make a little extra cash.  I tried SwagBucks for awhile, didn't win a thing, and pretty much gave up.

Recently, I have re-enrolled in InBox Dollars.  You sign up here here, read e-mails, take surveys and play games to earn money.  In the first 2 days, I have earned over $7.00 and have enjoyed earning this money.  When I reach $30.00 they will send you a check.  PS. You get $5.00 just for signing up.

Also,  I Just Joined Smiley360: I just became a Smiley360 member! Discover and review exciting brands for free, too! Sign-up at Smiley360.  *Please remember the FTC requires you to mention that you received a free sample courtesy of Smiley360 when sharing.

One more easy money making site, is RewardsTV.  You take surveys of programs you have watched on TV the night before.  It is so easy, and the list of programs includes all cable channels too.

I have subscribed to several blogs that I read daily that refer me to hot deals of the day.  In the last 24 hours I believe I have signed up for over a dozen free samples or coupons for free groceries.

And as I login to Craigslist everday, looking for an Admin Assistant job, some are scams so it gets frustrating.

Happy Thursday to all! It is going to be a very blustery, cold and windy day here in Nebraska.  A perfect time to earn online.